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by Laurence McDonnell, March 28, 2002

this is the end I fear,
shredded entrails are peeping out from under my skin,
did she mean what she said?
"Go to hell, hellish boy and take with you my pain and despair",
that could rip and tear at a heart-
but, alas, I don't have one,
I have neither flesh nor soul,
If you prick me I get stronger, mock me and I win,
I am pure taboo, The emerald isle's seediest subjects -...
the paedophile priest, the abortion cruise, the polluted minds of street urchins, the junkies lust, the terrorists, the underage pregnancy, the greedy corrupt politician, the alcholics on the street, the immigrants, emigrants and syringe attacks,
I am the aids of the nation,
I cannot be destroyed,
contorted and distorted by lies, maybe,
But in this narrow minded place, run by the old and senile I will never die for they choose to ignore me,
I will go on until everyone has encountered me and my ways,
Live of their hates, lust, greed,
I will help spawn more like me- a generation of unbelievers, we have started already,
So-, come back into me my entrails of sleaze, creep into the body you Know and love,
there's work to be done,
people to seek out an destroy,
and help me create a full blown armageddon,
They will hail me as their saviour,
hate will heat their lives,
they will live for evil.


The © Copyright to this poem is owned by the author.
Published by writerslounge.net on March 28, 2002 under courtesy of the author.

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