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»Great is thy faithfulness«

by Maxine Smith, May 15, 2018

Don’t apologize for who you are
Don’t apologize for where you come from

Don’t apologize for where you are going
Don’t apologize for your greatness

Don’t apologize for your achievements
Don’t apologize for leaving, those behind who didn’t believe in you

Don’t apologize for being honest
Don’t apologize for being different than the crowd you’re in

Don’t apologize for being you.

You are greatness, victorious, outrageous, and spectacular.
The crowd roars and applauds you for standing upon that podium, in breathing the air they feared to absorb.

You believed in the impossible made possible,
You aspired to leap beyond the boundaries,
You are bold, brave and unlimited.

Written: May 2018
Tags: Emotions People

The © Copyright to this poem is owned by the author.
Published by writerslounge.net on May 15, 2018 under courtesy of the author.

Reader comments

"love it"
Manie Van Tonder, May 16, 2018
Manie Van Tonder, May 16, 2018

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