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»what it is«

Dec 27, 2008

I / will not be lonely / anymore. / I / don't know how / or when; / / like phyllis hyman said / / (despite what she / did) / / soon / I will not be lonely; I refuse / to wake up having the bed the house the car the dogs the cats my life / all to myself / much longer / I have got to react / differently/ / will…  sign in to read more »

»30 MPH«

Apr 24, 2008

U said my way of loving was slow / 2 slow / / but / my speed allows me / 2 see your issues (if u have any) / determine your lies (if u tell any) / n their early stage of development / slowly rearing your ugly head (if u have one) / sprouting like weeds; / / there?d be no need 2 come 2 an abrupt stop. / / I…  sign in to read more »

»The Best«

Apr 15, 2008

Yesterday / i realized / your insignificance: / not in the word / but the feeling, / finally. / don?t know how, / but your treatment of / me, / then / i can now smile. / you?re insiginificant! / / I was unable to see what / was / obvious to everyone else. / the reality of you / the realness. / the you. / and…  sign in to read more »

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