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»Words Of Wisdom«

Feb 12, 2014

Inspired by the birds and freedom / these are my words of wisdom; / call them a life of words born and bred in prison / slowly progressing to a page, with a pen I free them, / powerful words that should be said every season, / pay attention, listen: / / let me feed your soul, / with your sponge of a brain…  sign in to read more »

»When I Walk The Streets Named After The Greats«

Feb 12, 2014

When I walk the streets named after the greats / a trail of thoughts I form that leads to dates / of past injustices. At length I sigh, / knowing well that a teardrop is nigh. / / As the streets curve, I break the thought pattern / and view what their valiant efforts have brought, / gone are the soldiers…  sign in to read more »

»When Love Dies«

Feb 12, 2014

When love dies because of lies, / the heart falls and crumbles. / The internal pain intensifies 'til it's reflected in the eyes on a regular basis. / The mind becomes demented and lost / and begins to search for relief in unfamiliar places / and life becomes meaningless / then suicidal thoughts creep in…  sign in to read more »