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»Of choice and confusion«

Jun 6, 2011

My heart 'decided' to go on holiday, / And I nearly had a fatal heart attack, / Then my eyes 'deided' to rest as well, and in a bottomless pit I nearly fell, / Not to be outdone, my penis 'decided' to go on strike, / And I nearly lost my marriage, / And just as I thought not any of my organs would rebel…  sign in to read more »

»the game of war«

Aug 3, 2009

Afghanistan was the main course, / Iraq the dessert, / Many blunders made, so many lives lost, / They coined the word hero, but the heroes were all cadavers, / I longed to see a hero I could talk to, / The blood thirsty vampire top brass planning another battle even before the last soldier had hit the…  sign in to read more »

»Married but single (lamentations of)«

Feb 7, 2009

What I thought was to be a merger of two minds, / Has turned to be a wet and soggy dream, / He promised he would taper down from his boyish antics, / But it was just a cunning plan to convince me otherwise, / When I fell for his assurances, / I became part of the furniture for our home, / The places we…  sign in to read more »

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