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Jun 28, 2011

Golden, please find the beauty in me, / you are the root to my tree, / possibly, the flower to my blossom, / often, my mind thinks of you, / from various points of view, I admit, / you're golden, please find the beauty in me, / you are what touch is for the blind man to see, / I got my insides stretched…  sign in to read more »

»Writing as a Process of Discovery«

Jun 14, 2011

My pen is my Pal / my safe guard in a world made of hell / I explore the mind / only to find empty speech bubbles to tell / my character is faceless / in suspended motion I am pace-less / why does time move so fast / "theory of relativity" / when in actual fact I just search for the inner me / a perfect…  sign in to read more »

»Him to Her«

Jun 9, 2011

His tongue is swift, brisk like glades of wind through an autumn wheat field, / His kiss is sweet, sweeter than the sweetest honey combs Africa's finest bees have to pride, / He knows where to kiss, you can tell by the way She closes her eyes, / His lips are cut smooth, you can tell by the words that…  sign in to read more »

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